About the Blogger

I have had a corporate management career in banking for nearly fifteen years and been through the life roles of wife, mother, grand-daughter, daughter/in-law. A second graduate degree in counselling led to a job as a counsellor. After living and working in three countries, I am in the US now and volunteering in related fields. My passions include reading and Indian classical music.

It all started with an article I wrote about a totally fulfilling, elevating and, yes, challenging foray into learning classical music at middle age. My family and closest friends urged me upon reading this to write more. Then a dear friend said that I have this knack of sharing something interesting I read and that I should do so to a larger audience without being stingy about it! Well, a secret I have is a “not-so-little” black book that has all these nuggets and references to articles from all kinds of fictional and non-fictional works that I keep reading, which have somehow struck a chord in me. So with that and all the other interesting debates we have amongst us, I said why not blog it! By the way, I also believe that at every point in my life the right book or article with some insight has always come to me at the right time just when I needed it. Maybe I was just more receptive then…but it has always appeared! So, here I am!


  1. Wah Wah !
    Shar, you make me proud.

  2. My encourager and patron, thank you so much! All our late night conversations have also contributed to this..
